Saturday, July 19, 2008

swwt tooth

I haven't posted for a while and i'm feeling guilty, so here are two recipes for you:)
First is my shortbread recipe- this is vegan as i was trying to make biscuits for my father in law (he was fasting at the time so couldn't have egg. Anyway imagine my surprise when i pulled my biscuits out of the oven, and they tasted just like shortbread, all buttery and yummy :)

Here's the recipe:
480g spelt flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
0.5 tsp salt
200g sugar
225g vegetable oil

1) Sift all the dry ingredients together (flour,baking powder,salt & sugar)
2)Slowly add oil, little at a time until incorporated into a wet dough
3)preheat oven to 200 degrees C (400 F)
4)If needed, use a little more flour to get the dough tto a firm consistency. Then roll our and cut out cookie shapes or into bars
5)Bake until golden brown. Let cool, then dust with icing sugar
Enjoy! :)

The second recipe is for pancakes-these can be hard to make with alternative flours and alternative milks :) I've been searching for awhile, and ended up inventing my own recipe. This works well for thick (think american style)pancakes.

3/4 cup spelt flour (or gluten free flour)
3/4 cup chick pea flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 cups soya milk
1 egg.

1)mix all the ingredients together, until you get a thick batter.
2)pour into a frying pan, a little at a time
3)layer them on a plate with greaseproof paper and keep them in a preheated oven to keep warm until you have finished all the batter.
4) serve with butter and maple or with favorite toppings. Any leftover pancakes can be frozen, then defrosted one at a time and reheatd in a toaster for a quick no fuss breakfast.
Thats all from me today, i will post pics of the two recipes, just as soon as i can get the energy to make them :)

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