Hello everybody, this is my first try at a blog, so please bear with me :) As you have already gathered, i have two beautiful children, who are currently testing my arts and crafts abilities to the max. George has been off school for a week now, and i am trying hard to come up with new ideas daily to keep them occupied. Our project for this week has been magnets. I got some lollipop sticks (different coloured ones) and George stuck them togethertwo wide, with another stuck on the back. He then stuck magnets to the back 'stick' and then decorated the front of the fridge magnet with different thigns. I had quite alot of different things in the 'art box' and he used the lot.
First we got out the leftover beads from the name necklaces George made for his friends as thank you presents for coming to his party. He made his own name first (he knows how to spell that so he did it all by himself.)He then asked me to help him spell out the names of his family. We made one for his little sister tina, mummy and daddy of course, then uncle chris, auntie veronica, and finished up with his two cousins whose new house we were going to visit later that morning.
We then progressed to pompoms, which were great fun, and even tina took part choosing and sticking the pompoms down. Next came out the glitter glue and shiny things to stick down. We had a ball!
Well thats all folks for today, check back soon, where i'll have some more exciting projscts on the go, Light and love to you,
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