Tuesday, July 15, 2008

baaa, baaa white sheep :)

Hello everybody! This week has been abit manic, (washing machine died, iron died, then the water supply got contaminated so i have to dash to my mothers every night to wash the kids!) hence no blog writing. But I have prevailed, and i'm back. I have been dying to get on here, and show you George's latest creation. He wa complaining that he was bored, so i sat him down with a toilet roll (minus the paper :), white glue, scissors, pipe cleaners, white fluffy cotton, and a few bits of foam paper. Then i asked him what he was going to make, he looked at me as if to say, hello...with these ingredients theres only one thing TO MAKE....a sheep. First he poked the pipe cleaners through the toilet roll to make the legs, then he covered the roll with glue and stuck on the cotton (below left). Then mummy had to help by picking the sheep up, so he could glue the cotton to the underneath . Then he added the finishing touches. He made a head, by wadding up some toilet paper, and covering it with more of the cotton. Then he took some foam paper, and cut off little bits, and stuck them on as the eyes. Voila , a cute littel sheep, that my daughter insisted on sleeping with that night!

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